martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Course assignment – Reflection 3

This week’s reading is “The BSCS 5E Instructional Model: Origins and Effectiveness”. As the title states, this report presents a history background. This background includes different science instructional models developed in the past, and that have been the precursors for models like 5E Instructional models.
            The report also includes comparisons between different instructional models and their principal characteristics. Some of the models presented in this report are Dewey’s instructional model, Heiss, Obourn, and Hoffman’s learning cycle model, and SCIS model. All these models were the evolving to allow actual instructional models to be applied in science classrooms.
            The basic components of the 5E Instructional models are 5E. Engagement, Exploration, Explanation, Elaboration, and Evaluation. These phases can be applied in different educational levels and be follow in the curriculum lessons. Basically, with all these phases students can have a significant impact in their science classes learning.
            The report of this specific instructional model includes several tables that help the reader to identify the specific characteristics of the model, for example: What students does, and what teacher does, specifically in each one of the five phases. This table includes a comparison with the actions consistent with the model, and actions inconsistent with the model.
            Finally, the report present empirical evidence of the implementation of the 5E instructional model in fifth and sixth grades science classes. The evidence reports evidence that increases knowledge but only in some areas, while in others the evidence is not adequate to make judgments.
            According to with the evidence presented in the report, I think it is necessary to further evaluation of the Instructional models in different school grades and science related subjects. For example, it can be useful have some similar evaluations in science classes to make a comparative study of the outcomes that students have after the implementation of the 5E instructional model in science classes.
            For example, Lin, Cheng, Chang, Li, Chang, & Lin (2014) present empirical quantitative and qualitative data about the implementation of the 5E instructional model in a middle school classroom. The implementation consisted on the implementation of the 5E along together with Science Magic activities for each one of the phases in the model. Like this study, I would like to implement hands-on activities and implement the 5E model to measure students’ outcomes.
            I have a question about the 5E model. How would be using 5E model using at the same time with STAAR or Common Core State Standards? For the proposal, I would like to have a central question, How effective is the 5E model to promote science concepts and procedures knowledge to middle school students?
            In general, the 5E model represents a step by step model that allow students to develop understanding and knowledge of science, but it really needs that both teacher and students follow the model in science classes to be successful in its implementation.


Lin, J.-L., Cheng, M.-F., Chang, Y.-C., Li, H.-W., Chang, J.-Y., & Lin, D.-M. (2014). Learning activities that combine science magic activities with the 5E instructional model to influence secondary-school students’ attitudes to science. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 10(5), 415–426.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

Course assignment – Reflection 2

The reading provides a context about the idea of conceptual change. First, the author provides some examples about how the conceptual change is used in Science research, and then provides empirical evidence about how conceptual change is applied in a science class. The article premise is to discover the process through conceptual change is made.
In order to have a conceptual change it is necessary feel some kind of problem with the actual conceptual knowledge in order to let the conceptual change to take place in our minds. Another important aspect of conceptual change process, is the necessity of representation of new ideas. A conceptual change can take place only when our mind is capable to represent and visualize new ideas or concepts.
The text recognizes the significance of reviewing prior ideas to make new accommodations, replacing them for justifiable ideas that fit in our mind to connect new information and findings with old conceptual ideas.

The Conceptual change theory is a concept that can be easily used to do research in STEM education in all levels. Specially in those classes when students confront theory and practice, can be used to better understand how they confront their understanding of theory and the application of practice in order to have a conceptual change more related with their real context and with better understanding of STEM classes. Some ideas for possible proposals are: How students face conceptual change in the application of math formulas, this idea could be applied in all educational levels but would be more significant to understand the way middle school and high school students understand some of the formulas they applied and the conceptual change that can represent the application of those formulas in their real context. For this proposal I would like to explore the conceptual change after apply algebra concepts in high schoolers real life.
Another proposal idea could be: How a conceptual change is made by understanding the basic programming paradigms in the daily use of cell applications. This proposal can approximate students to develop 21st century skills by understanding the basic functions of their favorite application and have a conceptual change that give them a more critical thinking when using those applications.

After reading this week article I have some questions, clearly the article talks about conceptual change in science field, however I wonder conceptual change theory can be fully applied to the social sciences? Can a conceptual change be plausible when teachers apply NGSS in their STEM classes? how?   

In general, for me the idea of conceptual change is a logical step in the education of this century. I think is responsibility of teacher to apply classroom practices that commit students to think in different ways that allow them to constantly change their understanding of the different concepts they deal with in class. It is only with this type of education that all students could have a better understanding of the phenomena that affects their real world and that can allow them to solve the problems they will face in the course if their lifetime.


Posner, G. J., Strike, K. A., Hewson, P. W., Gertzog, W. A. (1982). Accomodation of a scientific conception: Toward a theory of conceptual change. Science Education 66(2), 211-227.

Riley, T. L., & Karnes, F. A. (1998). Mathematics + competitions = a winning formula!. Gifted Child Today Magazine, 21(4), 42.